The Sunnica Solar Farm Proposal
The Say No to Sunnica Community Action Group Ltd supports solar and other renewables, we are not 'NIMBY's' (Not in My Back Yard) but we do not agree with losing valuable greenfield land to a scheme that is simply too large, too inefficient and too intrusive.
The headings below present some of the key features of the proposed Sunnica Solar Farm. Please click on the expand button to read more about each of these elements.
​For more details of the Sunnica Solar Farm proposal please see the following...​
The Sunnica Consultation documents are here. These provide an overview of the Sunnica Energy Farm proposal as it was at the end of the consultation process.
The formal Sunnica application to the Planning Inspectorate can be found here. This contains a massive amount of documentation (some 313 documents) but is now the authoritative set of documentation.
Sunnica Energy Farm Locations
The map below shows the areas where Sunnica is proposing to install solar panels, battery storage and other grid components. Please click on the map to view full screen.